Guide for attention to transgender children and youth in sports and free

– Participation in sport
– Policies related to sex and gender
– Representation in training
– Anti-discrimination
– Diversity education and training
– Creating safe spaces in the practice of sports and leisure.
– Allowing children and youth in a transsexual situation to see their rights respected.
– Promoting the continuity of sports practice and leisure activities in these people.
The guide seeks to promote the practice of all kinds of individual and collective sports, recreation and competition for transgender children. It is not a specific guide for elite sport, although a note is made on the policies of the IOC and the regulations of the Autonomous Community of the Basque Country and Navarra, in Spain.
A series of positive actions and good practices were defined, based on the study of current
legislation and the knowledge of the association. These practices, and the legislation on which their implementation are based were compiled and edited by the same association and then disseminated through its media to reach the largest possible number of people.
The guide is aimed at those responsible for sports teams and free time. Their role is to apply the recommendations and actions presented in the guide with the aim of creating safe spaces and ensuring that rights are respected, as well as informing and disseminating good practices in their environment.
Transgender children and youth who practice sports and participate in leisure time activities. All the people who accompany them in these activities.
In May 2022 the guide was edited and disseminated, with no set end date since the objective is to disseminate and apply it to clubs, teams and sports federations.
The guide is in PDF format, in Basque language and Spanish and could be translated into other languages.
The guide is applicable in any context in which transgender people participate in leisure and sports activities. It concerns universal actions and is therefore applicable in any context.
Getting the people responsible and all those participating in the activities involved is necessary, as well as training and social awareness to understand and accompany this reality.
The applicability of the guide could be improved with more staff trained in child and youth transsexuality; collecting experiences of families in sports and leisure activities; staff for the translation, editing and layout of the written text; wider social networks and family networks for dissemination; grants.