With the “fairplay SDG Tour”, we want to place a special focus on measures in the federal states, and use an attractive range of existing and new methods to address children and young people who are not reached or are difficult to reach through regular educational and sports offers (school, clubs).
What can a tour station look like?
The central element of the tour is an SDG-branded inflatable streetkick court. Children and young people play street soccer together under the guidance of an experienced “teamer”, which is intended to promote mutual respect, team play and sustainability.
The inflatable court is ready to play within 15 minutes after arrival at the venue. The 15x10m court offers space for matches of 3 against 3 or 4 against 4 players*. The court fits well on a 20x15m surface (asphalt, grass, sand, …) and allows it to be played on smaller courts. The soft inflatable barriers guarantee safe play, they have 1m diameter and are kept in shape by an electrically powered air pump.
In addition, young people can play on our SDG-branded microsoccer boxes on site. Microsoccer (1 vs. 1) is fast, direct and very fun! Our microsoccer facilities can be used anywhere (grass, asphalt) and are playful highlights.
Both are tools that can be linked well with content. At fairplay talk booths, trained workshop leaders provide information on the topic of sport and sustainability, and if there is time and demand, fairplay workshops can also be offered for groups.
A Feel Good Station with healthy snacks (fruit), drinks and music also invites people who are not interested in sports to linger and thus get to know the SDG Tour.
In SDG branding, the aforementioned building blocks can be integrated as needed at events and festivals throughout Austria.
Key data
Duration: 1 day (half day or full day)
Who: open to Possible cooperation with sports clubs, community, youth centers, schools, initiatives, NGOs
Space: at least 20 x 15 meters
What: Streetkick, Microsoccer, Feel Good Station, fairplay Talks, fairplay workshops
Download Infosheet
The fairplay SDG Tour is part of the “Rebels of Change” project funded by the Austrian Development Agency (ADA).