00.25 – 00.55: Homework assignment
Exercise 2.2: Case discussion
“A case is a more or less detailed description of a specific, realistic or true practical situation or problem in a certain context” (Lavigne, Vanderplancke & Myny, 2013)
What do you need?
– Participants who wish to submit a case that they have described as part of their homework assignment
What should you do?
– Divide the group into groups of 6 participants: one participant submits a case, one participant takes minutes, one participant is the moderator and the other group members ask clarifying questions.
– Use the following steps to discuss the case:
1. Input: let the case contributor explain the case based on the format provided for the homework assignment;
2. Question clarification: the other participants can then ask ‘open questions’ to clarify the case;
3. After that all participants may take turns proposing solutions (no discussion or reactions!)
4. After having heard all the advice, the case initiator may respond to this and indicate what he / she found valuable and what he / she will do with it.
– Finally, a plenary evaluation, in which the note takers briefly present the case discussions
Trainers advise
The trainer takes care of the process, marks the phases in the conversation and ensures that all participants are given the space to participate.