Introduction & background
This handbook on inclusive sport summarises and documents key findings and outcomes from the
Erasmus+ project Sport for all Genders & Sexualities (SGS). It provides a practical, comprehensive, and
accessible guide to the project, offering an overview of its key outcomes. It serves both as a digest of
the main results and as a collection of resources to inspire, educate and empower others. The handbook
is designed to ensure ongoing impact beyond the project’s duration and will be freely available on the
Project Platform.
Everyone has the right to take part in sport. But LGBTI+ people often experience exclusion, hatred and
discrimination, which prevents or denies them access to sport. It is the responsibility of clubs and sports
organisations to create safer and respectful spaces. Everyone should be able to play the sport they are
good at and/or enjoy it without being harmed. Implementing gender diversity and acceptance for all sexual orientations in everyday sport presents challenges, for which solutions must be sought collaboratively.
Therefore the handbook is structured according to the project design and includes all project components.
Tools and measures developed within the project will be introduced and disseminated to guarantee
a sustainable use of the outcomes – and to make grassroots sport an open, respectful and safe place
for everyone!
Handbook – English version for download
Handbook – Italian version for download
Handbook – Spanish version for download
Handbook – German version for download
Publisher: European Gay and Lesbian Sport Federation (EGLSF) & fairplay – Vienna Institute for International Dialogue and Cooperation (fairplay-VIDC), Vienna, Austria · · Editors: Michele Mommi, Hugh Torrance (EGLSF); in cooperation with: Birgit Braumüller and Tim Schlunski (GSU), Andrea Giuliano and Rosario Coco (AiCS), Javier Gil Quintana and Angelica Sáenz Macana (Diversport), Laura Stahl (LSB), Nikola Staritz (fairplay-VIDC) · Graphic Design: Patricia Enigl · Photos: if no other indications SGS-project. ©fairplay-VIDC/SGS_2024
This publication is part of the project Sport for all Genders and Sexualities – Tackling Sexism, Trans- and Homophobia in European Grassroots Sport (SGS), 2022 – 24, funded by the European Commission under the Erasmus+ Sport Programme. Views and opinions expressed in this publication are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Commission. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.