Homework Assignment

02.15 – 02.20: Homework Assignment

Homework assignment 1: Describe a case from practice
A case provides a vicarious experience of a possible situation in the sports world.

– You confront participants  with problems from the “real” world
– Participants experience the practical relevance of the knowledge area or subject matter, including the accompanying theories, concepts, models, methods and techniques. This creates a positive impact on the motivation of participants.
– You create a safe environment in which participants can propose analyzes and solutions, without direct consequences in practice.
– Participants develop a relative understanding of knowledge, because – through discussions with each other and with you as a trainer – they learn to think from different perspectives and discover that there is often not one correct answer.
– Deeper learning is stimulated, because you encourage participants to make connections between different contents and to build on previous experiences.

What do you need?
– powerpoint sheet: Homework assignment 1
– PDF: Writing a case
– Document: Format case description

What should you do?
– Point out homework assignment 1 to the participants: describe a case from their own practice in relation to the topics presented and discussed in the first meeting.

Explanation of the assignment
– In a case, participants describe a situation / incident from their own sports practice that poses a dilemma for him / her: Should I do this or shall I do that? or maybe the participant does not know at all how to deal with it?
– The homework assignment is detailed in the electronic learning environment (ELE) of participants, with an instruction and a format for the description of the case.
– When the assignment is completed (at least one day before the next meeting), participants can upload the case in the ELE.
– For the next meeting you can select a number of suitable cases to discuss.

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